Emma Hubeny

Mezzo Soprano

Hey everyone! I'm Emma, I am a

northeastern girl who grew up in

Binghamton, New York, but spent the

past four years as a Hoosier at Butler

University in Indianapolis, Indiana. 

I first stepped on stage when I was seven

years old and sang Part of Your World

from The Little Mermaid (I mean

obviously!) for the talent show in first

grade.  I have sought out every

opportunity to get on stage since then.  

I have two older brothers who started

doing theater after they saw how much

fun it was for me, so basically, I am a trend setter!

Despite my Dad's greatest efforts, I quit every sport he signed me up for.  Instead, I chose to go to band camp.  I learned to play the viola and clarinet.  I also took piano lessons for a few years and have taken voice lessons for over half my life, which is crazy!  I have learned the basics of a dozen instruments, but singing has always been my favorite, because of the power words hold when set to music.  I love being able to tell stories on stage and share a part of myself with the audience. 

When not pursuing my love for the stage, I dream of working behind the scenes as a CIA agent.  This is my back up career because the Spy Museum in D.C. gave me a code word and you'll NEVER get it out of me!!

About Me